Text functions are one tool that can be used in Power Automate to manipulate strings and help one get a desired output that may streamline a workflow. Here we will be exploring the split function and go over how to use it in a simple example. What is the ‘split’ Function? The split function is...

Power Automate is a powerful tool that can help admins and developers automate tasks and streamline workflows. One text function in power automate that can be used to help admins get a substring within a string of text is the indexOf function. In this blog we will be exploring this function and how you can...

Power Automate has many different functions that can solve many different problems. Text functions in particular are used to manipulate strings that can streamline workflows. Here we will be exploring the slice text function and how to utilize it in Power Automate. Firstly lets familiarize ourselves with the slice function syntax shown below: Step-by-Step Guide...

Power Automate has different text functions that one can use to manipulate strings in order to enhance workflows for your various applications. One such text functions is the StartsWith function, this function checks to see whether a string starts with a certain substring. This function can be used in scenarios where you might want validate...

There are many text functions that can be used in Power Automate to modify string functions. In this article we will be going over what the length function is and how to use it in Power Automate. What is the Length Function? The Power Automate length function returns the length of a string or the...

One of the key features of Power Automate is the ability to manipulate text using built-in functions and expressions. In this blog post, we will explore the substring function, which is used to extract a specific part of a string. This function is particularly useful for handling and processing text data efficiently. What is the...

Power Automate is a powerful automation tool that allows you to streamline repetitive tasks and integrate various applications seamlessly. One of its useful features is the ability to change text through built-in expressions and functions. In this blog post, we will explore the toLower function, which converts text to lower case. This function is especially...

One of Power Automate’s powerful features is the ability to manipulate text using built-in expressions and functions. In this blog post, we will explore the toUpper function, which is used to convert text to upper case. This function can be used to standardize data input therefore ensuring consistency throughout your site. ToUpper Syntax Step-by-Step Guide...

What is the Trim Function? The trim function in Power Automate is used to remove leading and trailing whitespace characters from a string. This is especially useful when dealing with data input from users, importing data from external sources, or ensuring that text data conforms to a specific format. In this blog you will learn...

Power Automate, formerly Microsoft Flow, enables the automation of repetitive tasks through custom workflows. Among its key features is the formatNumber function, which allows for precise number formatting. In this blog post, we’ll demonstrate how to utilize the formatNumber function to format numerical values effectively within your workflows. What is the Format Number Function? The...