Get A List of SharePoint Groups within a Site via Power Automate

SharePoint Groups are a key tool that can be used by an administrator to help organize teams for specific projects. A Sharepoint Site can hold various groups and it can become meticulous looking through a site to identify these groups. In this blog we will create a flow that will get a list of SharePoint groups within a site.

Step 1: First you will need to create a instant cloud flow with a manual trigger and title the flow something like, “Get A List of Groups within A Site”. It should look something like the image shown below:

Step 2: Now add our first action block which will be a “Send HTTP request to SharePoint” action and fill in the card with the following details:

Step 3: Now add a Compose action block with the following details. The compose block will hold the results from the HTTP request action which is a list of Sharepoint groups.

Step 4: Now save your flow and run it by selecting the “Test” button. Now you will have a list of the groups within your SharePoint site which will also include specific details of each site such as its ID.

By following the above steps you will successfully “Get A list of SharePoint Groups within A Site” utilizing the amazing Power Automate tool.

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