How to Update A SharePoint Site Logo Via Power Automate

The Send HTTP request to SharePoint action in Power Automate can be used to automate various tasks in SharePoint. One task that is a bit different from others we have gone over in different blogs is, updating a Sharepoint site logo.

Here we will be going over how we can utilize Power Automate to accomplish this task.


Step 1: Access your Power Automate tool within your Office 365 account and create new “instant cloud flow” with a “Manual trigger”. It is good practice to name the flow with accordance to its function so in this case, “Updating SharePoint Site Logo”

Step 2: Add a “Compose” action card to hold the link for your new site logo.

Step 3: Add a “Send HTTP request to SharePoint” action card with the following details. Fill the blanked out section in Site Address with your Site Address.

//Copiable Code for above HTTP request

Uri: _api/web

Accept ---- application/json;odata=verbose
Content-Type ---- application/json;odata=verbose
IF-Match ---- *
X-HTTP-Method ---- PATCH



"SiteLogoUrl": "Outputs from LogoUrl Compose action card"

Step 4: Verify the Site Logo has been changed by going into your SharePoint tool to view your new site Logo

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